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CO-ordinAted Shared Transport  (COAST)
A co-ordinated and optimised method of car sharing.  Any vetted member of the public or transport business can
collect and drop-off passengers on route whilst undertaking their normal journey. The drivers are allowed access
to priority routes to reduce time, and are paid by the passengers for the service.
LOw profile vehicle with Complementary Infrastructure (LOCI)
A low profile car and infrastructure transportation concept.  The car has substantially reduced height and width
so it can use a parallel road infrastructure when necessary to avoid traffic congestion. The car typically has room
for 1 adult and child that have opposed facing seats in an inclined position to reduce the width and height of the
vehicle and assist with streamlining.  The low profile design combined with the reduced congestion, enables the
LOCI system to provide exceptionally low fuel consumption and emissions.
ELEctric charging CAr Transporter  (ELECAT)
A highway ferrying system for cars or small vans which transports BEVs whilst its batteries are charged from
the ferrying vehicle.  This consists of two similar concepts, the road and rail ELECAT.
a) The road ELECAT which uses a modified car transporter in which cars can be driven on the transporter
sideways then rotated in line with the vehicle axis; this enables them to be individually embarked and
disembarked at transfer stations without moving the others.  The transfer stations are strategically located at
points along the main highway network.
b) The rail ELECAT which uses a high-speed rail infrastructure built on part of the current highway
infrastructure to accommodate trains of carriages that transport cars. Cars are driven in and out of the carriages
sideways at transfer stations and remain in that position during transit. The trains are directly powered from the
electricity grid enabling greater speeds and capacities than the road ELECAT version.  Both road and rail
ELECATs would also have the potential to transport individual passengers who leave their cars at the transfer
INtegrated InfrasTructure for Road and RaIl TrAnsporT using Electrification
A guided track infrastructure that accommodates large vehicles with pneumatic tyres such as trucks, large vans,
buses and coaches, fitted with a guide wheel. These large road vehicles can drive on and off the infrastructure at
specific entry and exit points where the guideways are discontinued.  The heavy vehicle propulsion unit can also
carry multiple trailers or carriages like a train whilst on the INITIATE infrastructure.  The use of guided track
allows BEVs to be charged by electricity, thereby considerably enhancing their range, flexibility and overall
viability. The speeds of vehicles on the track are automatically controlled to assist traffic flow at the junctions.
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
A vehicle powered entirely from electric batteries, which are charged solely from the local or mains electricity
grid.  The grid should aim to be eventually carbon neutral using renewable, biomass, nuclear, and fossil fuel
sources of energy, the latter using CO2 separation and sequesterisation.
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